The gay marriage which was contracted in 2008 between Nigerian born Chika Valentine Nwafor and German Marc Schwarz has ended.
The two men who recently visited Nigeria as a couple to see Chikas people and understand his life style are no longer in love.
This is an exccerpt of messages between Chika and Stella Dimoko Korkus, Stella has been aware of their relationship for a while now.
''Finally i am free but still a close friend to Marc but i live on my own now''
I nicely asked what happened and he explains further.
''Yes I moved out as I can't stand his cheating anymore and I moved out with our son Boris. we are finally signing our divorce by Wednesday july 27,2011.But we are still friends and I need my life to cope and bring my son up well.
Surprised i asked again, ''But divorce only comes up after two years of seperation''.
He tells me, ''Am sorry its his profession and he chose it how I want it ''.
''so what are you getting from the divorce, Chika?''
''i am getting Where i am living now with my son Boris which is a 3 bedroom flat , my car, my shop, Boris' up keep and him paying me for the next 6 months.Isn't that ok for me? Let him continue f***king around as I don't care anymore''.
I asked more questions and he continues.
''Am single and seriously searching for a honest ,sincere and genuine one and not those that will only lay me on bed and take advantage of me or start demanding money like Nigerian guys are doing. l saw it coming and the fact is that am not shocked at all neither does he even care but the best of it is am on my own once again. My son is all the happiness I have ''
''Chika what if marc begs you to make up before you sign the divorce paper''?
Chika tells me, '' even if Marc begs i am sorry I don't want anymore, i am through with him.
I Have taken the decision to move on and this time I think I will settle with a Nigerian who stays close to me here( stuutgart), he seems to care and loves me''
''Chika do you want to marry the Nigerian man now?''
''Well I don't need marriage again dear sister, we can be lovers and not marriage because I don't want any man to dictate for me and my son again.
All I need is a soul companion, who will always love me for who I am and not mess up with my feelings as all men need is to lay me on bed and soon take off after satisfying themselves. But I've learnt my lession and I don't need marriage again so when things start going bad I will bear it and stand on my feet''
''So Marc was bossing you around?''
''Sure marc used to order me around, though he loves me but still that Ego in him I hate but it is all in the past now as far as am concernd.the sister said I should forgive but I said its over, at least let him respect me for once.I have feelings and am a human being and not an animal or object of sex or his sex toy which he uses 3times every night and even upon that still has the guts to bring some bitch man to my bedroom.
He sees some other guys he's cooling off with. As for me I have admirers but still don't want anyone around me now''.
And then i round up by telling chika ''eyaah sorry oh''
And he replies''why sorry? i am okay the way i am, at least no one will lay on me every night, no more pains all over my body after every three rounds of sex every night''.
Shocked, i asked him''why is sex painful for you chika?''
His response?..''well its not painful, what is painful is seeing the man whom you know just slept with someone else still come to climb you, that hurts''.
The couple have an almost 11month old son they adopted from America and they named him boris chika schwarz.
abomination ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!