Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Dami Duro crooner, David O caught in the act.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Bobby Brown and New Edition Coming to Nigeria For Concert in Lagos and Portharcourt

Monday, February 20, 2012
R & K Consulting: A brand to watch.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Empowering Women Series – ‘Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures’
Empowering Women Series
The Empowering Women Series is a unique initiative targeted at young ladies between the ages of 12 and 30 with the aim of bringing them a practical message of hope, while providing them with guidelines and applicable principles that can set them on the path to becoming role models and change agents in our society.
The Empowering Women Series is a project championed by En-Reach Limited, a women’s lifestyle organisation that has set its self apart as a provider of products and services that offer enrichment for the female populace across Nigeria.
Connecting Girls Search:
This component of The Empowering Women Series is aimed at finding 6 outstanding young women within the ages of 12 and 24 who are doing exceptional things in their field of study or practice with a business focus.
How to Apply:
If you meet the criteria in the poster above, go to and ‘Upload your story’. Entries close on the 22nd of February.
Following the selection of 6 finalists, these outstanding young women will be celebrated at an event in March, in front of their peers and more established women in commemoration of International Women’s Day. Each one will also receive a support fund of N250,000 (Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira Only) to expand their projects and will be mentored by the Focal Person Empowering Women Series 2012, Mrs Tara Fela-Durotoye for the period.
Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact:
Back2Basics Concepts (B2BC) – Project Managers
Abosede Alimi
+234-703 381 4280
abosedealimi@back2basicsconcepts.org2face Idibia Proposes to Annie Macauley on Val's day at Club 10

We’re told Ms Macauley’s close friends were in on the plan, but the actress was completely in the dark. Little surprise she broke down and wept when Idibia proposed.
On Twitter and BlackBerry Messenger, friends are congratulating the pair, with one particular insider saying ‘it’s about time’.
Annie Uwana Macauley has a daughther (Isabella) for 2face. But before now, she was, in many people’s eyes, just another baby mama.
Sunmbo Ajaba and Pero Adeniyi also have children for the musician – two each. And Pero, who’s now based in the US, is due to deliver her third Idibia baby in March.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Never Judge Anyone

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Exclusive Pics of NE-YO stripers club dollars rain wit baby mama

British Woman with Two Vaginas Gets $1 MILLION Porn Offer

Eldee emerge with new group: Da Trybe 2.0