Big Brother Africa never fails to spring up surprises every year and 2012 is no exception. We told you the show is back with its seventh season; now the producers say they have upped the ante.
This year’s entrants must ‘double-up’ to compete in BBA7. Applicants who want to make it to the house for this year’s edition must partner with another person to enter as a pair.
So you can sign up with anyone – bestie, lover, wife, neighbour, mom, dad, colleague or even your boss at work!
The show even gets juicer and the prize money has been increased to $300,000.
Another development is the inclusion of two new countries Liberia and Sierra Leone to the BBA house. The first timers will now join participating countries – Angola, Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Also Ethiopia bows out of the game and Mozambique will take on a new role that will be announced at a later stage.
‘We are thrilled to be offering a huge, new, USD 300 000 prize and to include two new countries who were chosen to participate based on their on-going interest in the series and their growing DStv audiences. And while Ethiopia won’t have a housemate this year, we’ll look to include them and other non-housemate countries in other ways if the opportunity arises, as we do every season. We are and have always been proudly committed to making this a truly African show. And as for Mozambique, they will be included with a housemate – but that’s all we are saying at the moment!’, M-Net Africa Managing Director Biola Alabi says.
Deadline for submission of entry forms is Monday February 27, 2012. Applicants can register online from February 5.
According to producers, Big Brother 7 will be screened to 47 countries across the continent, live 24/7 for 91 days on DStv channel 198. The series starts Sunday May 6.